Tag Archives: diabetes

Seeing Results ‘n Detoxing

27 Feb


Yes, I am seeing some results other than weight loss from this Green Smoothie Experiment. That’s exciting to me since I have been doing this experiment for less than two weeks.

1 – I definitely have more energy. I do still have that afternoon “slump” sometimes, but maybe that’s a detox reaction. I feel that my sleep is better and when I wake up I throw back the covers and get right out of bed. I don’t know if I have ever done that before! I just feel refreshed and ready to get up and get moving! And part of the reason might be…

2 – It’s just easier for me to get out of bed physically. Since I was about 6 months pregnant with my son my back has been hurting. It hurt so badly that often it woke me up in the middle of the night, I could not get comfortable and if I woke up early in the morning I just couldn’t stay in bed because laying made the pain worse. We do have a bad mattress and need a new one. But my husband would bring up the fact that his back didn’t hurt. Well, I just noticed on Friday that my back doesn’t hurt anymore! It was to the point where I was in pain for hours after waking and I would have one of my older children carry the baby down the stairs because I didn’t trust my back not to give out on me. And now – gone! There is a little bit of aching here and there, but mostly nothing!

3 – I was concerned because I had pain and swelling and numbness in my right hand. The joints were painful and I even dreaded having to write with a pen or pencil. I was getting numbness often and most of the joints hurt. I went to a website where you can punch in your symptoms and they give you a diagnosis. I had multiple symptoms and once I put them all in it said peripheral neuropathy, most likely caused by diabetes. Oh boy. Not good. But, to my amazement and joy – my hand pain and numbness is almost totally gone and the swelling is getting much better.

But I want to keep maximizing these healing effects. I am in the middle of reading “The Green Smoothies Diet” by Robyn Openshaw (I splurged and spent the last of my weekly spending money on it, but so far it’s worth it!). This book is SO informational. She suggests a 3 day detox in which you only drink green smoothies. 96 ounces or more, to be exact. Well, I’m doing it. I love the idea of focusing on detoxing for a few days. And if I have good results, I’ll probably do it again somewhere along the line.  I’ll let you know my findings! Until then, here is what my food will consist of… 3 of these actually…


25 Feb

Yes, chia seeds are a real thing, not just something you spread on a clay head or Snoopy dog. I was floored myself when I started hearing about how good chia seeds are for you. Edible? They didn’t seem edible, but I looked further into it. Turns out they help with all kinds of things. Rather than repeat it all Iwill just give a few bullet points and a link to an article about chia seeds if you want more information.

* great source of antioxidants

* mild taste makes it easy to add chia seeds to other foods

* when added to other foods it bulks them up and makes you feel full faster

* provides a boost in energy, helping to avoid afternoon slump

* boosts strength and endurance

* helps level out blood sugar (great for diabetics and hypoglycemics)

* encourages weight loss

* helps with intestinal regularity

* inexpensive

* gluten-free


Here’s how I use ’em. Chia seeds are much easier to blend up if they are soaked first. They turn into a gel-like state when soaked. I simply take about 1 Tbsp and put them in a cup and cover them with water. They will float so just give them a few minutes to start soaking in water before you mix them with a spoon. Let them soak maybe 10-15 minutes and stir again. They will be like a gel. They are easy to blend into your green smoothie this way. Research these cute little guys – they are a cool seed! They can be found at most health food stores but if you have a hard time finding them you can also buy them online here at www.bulkherbstore.com.

I found this great recipe online and thought I would pass it on. I haven’t tried it yet, but it sounds yummy, especially if you like pudding or tapioca, which I do, and coconut, which I definitely do. The recipe is Coconut Chia Pudding and it’s SO simple. No cooking involved and it’s healthy and ready in minutes! Let me know if you try it – I know I will! http://www.eatingisart.com/2010/05/chia-pudding.html

What are your thoughts/experiences with chia seeds?